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Creating compositions comes differently with each piece I write. However, there are a few techniques that I usually apply that significantly help with an efficient and creative flow. 

If I am inspired by a song or sound, I will first see if I have any of my own samples or electronic instruments that are similar. I will also usually get inspired by browsing through sounds I have made or Logic's preset plug ins. 

I will then begin a basic structure of layering in my DAW as I improvise and record on sounds. Usually its moer enjoyable to randomly shift MIDI notes or audio clips around and see how it sounds like all together. I don't try to restrict myself on the workflow of writing a song chronologically; I write whatever I like in the moment and build around it.

I tend to do some light mixing as I lock in specific melodies and sounds, and will have by this point grouped instruments into their respective buses and added EQ, compression, and reverb where necessary.

I always get stuck on a song, so I will bounce out whatever I have done that session and go on a walk with it. I usually find getting my body moving helps refresh the ears on a track you have repetitively listened to.

When the first demo or draft is completed I begin properly mixing things in detail. I like to have 2-3 reference tracks to listen to in the session and usually mix things by their instrument group.

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